Working from the pub - coworking as a diversification opportunity for rural pubs details our research with key findings and implications summarised below:
Pubs already offer workspaces: Our research revealed a surprising array of work activities already taking place within pubs, showcasing their adaptability and versatility as communal spaces.
Underused multifunctional spaces: Many pubs have already embraced the concept of ‘work from the pub’ by repurposing underutilised areas into workspaces or meeting rooms. This resourcefulness presents a cost-effective means of diversification and revenue generation.
Not all pubs are equal: While offering workspace may be suitable for some pubs, it is not feasible for all depending on factors such as ownership structure, available space and managerial capacity. However, offering workspace may become an additional diversification option to attract income during off-peak hours or appeal to homeworkers and digital nomads seeking remote workspaces in rural areas.