Here are a selection of publications showcasing recent relevant research and projects by NICRE’s university partners. We will be adding to these so please check back regularly for updates.
In this short paper, we provide a preliminary assessment of the likely impact of the Covid19 crisis on the self-employed, providing an analysis of which groups and where the self-employed are most at risk of significant income loss and therefore household distress.
No one has been unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the short-term economic consequences have been significant. As we transition from responding to the crisis to preparing for a ‘new normal’ there are many challenges, and opportunities, for small businesses and policy makers to navigate. ERC's Resource Directory brings together all our research on issues such as innovation, productivity, job creation and business support that will be vital for shaping future growth.
Building on the findings from our public YouGov survey, this new research with over 380 professionals working in food, farming and the countryside finds a huge appetite for change and collaboration across the sector.
Coronavirus (Covid-19) is having huge impacts on the food system here in the UK and globally. It is bringing into sharp focus how and where our food is produced, processed and consumed. It has also highlighted a number of issues with lessons for food policy.
The Covid-19 outbreak and UK government-led measures to contain it are having widespread effects on rural economies. The disease is affecting all aspects of rural society, both directly when people from rural communities fall ill, but also because of the social distancing restrictions that are in place to limit the progress of the disease. This briefing note looks at how the Covid-19 outbreak is affecting rural economies and presents a set of recommendations for Government.
Improving productivity is critical to increasing economic growth and prosperity in the long-run and a key objective for UK national, regional and local policy. However, a fat lower tail of low-productivity Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and significant spatial variations in productivity characterise the UK economy., with some regions and rural areas lagging behind.
Related publication: Read more
This report showcases an urban-rural analysis of a large scale survey of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in England.
Read more (PDF: 268KB)
This paper uses an analysis of the Longitudinal Small Business Survey in 2015 to compare rural-urban business performance, barriers and use of business support services.
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Based on the 15,000 survey responses from the UK Longitudinal Small Business Survey, this report shows spatial variations in performance and uptake of external support services.
Read more (PDF: 3,109KB)
Food Quality Scheme labels are an essential means of communicating food product and process characteristics to consumers helping to supporting informed food choices. Such labels, however, can only serve their purpose if they are recognized, understood and trusted by consumers.
Creating strong, mutually supportive linkages between rural and urban areas is key to realising smart, circular and inclusive development for a sustainable Europe. Rural-Urban Europe explores how synergies between the two areas can be applied in practice to strengthen regional collaboration, interdependence and interconnectivity.
INNOGROW brings together managing authorities and regional bodies influencing regional and national policy, to exchange experiences and practices, and to improve their capacity for implementing policies that promote the adoption of technology and business model innovations by rural small businesses, to boost their competitiveness.
You can read the full paper on the NICRE briefing on the Levelling-Up Agenda, to download our pdf click on the following link: NICRE and levelling up
Rural economies and Industrial Strategy (PDF: 1,188KB)
What's holding rural businesses back? (PDF: 1,614KB)