Rural Business Beacons

We need your help

Would you like to share your views on issues affecting rural businesses directly with policymakers?

Would you be happy to share your challenges and experiences to help shape research at NICRE to make us more relevant for rural businesses?

If so, you would be a great Rural Business Beacon.

­­­­Our group will be a forum for gathering insights from rural North East businesses, channelling your voice straight to policy makers, and ensuring our research and policy work are doing the best they can to support thriving rural businesses and communities.

We realise that business owners don’t have a lot of spare time so we will:

  • Send out calls for evidence from Government by email as they occur – if you have time to answer the questions, and the call is relevant that’d be great, if not, don’t worry.
  • Invite you to two half-day events per year, starting in early 2024, to update you on our latest research and evidence for rural businesses – this is your chance to share with us your thoughts and challenges, however, feel free to contact us at any time.
  • Keep in touch with a regular newsletter about our latest research, policy work and innovation projects.
  • Provide opportunities to showcase your business and be involved in our innovation portal and communications and marketing activities.
  • Share our research findings ahead of publication.

Sign up here
