
Rural business insights

Two rural firms - Breamish Valley Cottages in Northumberland and Stroud Brewery in Gloucestershire - share their insights on the themes explored in our 2023 State of Rural Enterprise (SORE) survey:

Watch our videos to hear from them first-hand.

Innovation in community energy

We're working with partners on an innovative community energy project in rural Northumberland. Watch our video which was shown as part of our national event in November 2023 to find out more and visit our innovation project page

Innovation in rural business

Watch our videos to find out how six rural firms in Northumberland use innovation in their business.

Map resources

Use the links below to view map resources for community buildings in Northumberland, including one with wind farm catchment areas and another with buildings included in a NICRE innovation project.

Resilience toolkit

Access our business resilience toolkit below, which encourages leaders to think about the strengths and weaknesses of their businesses, and helps them to identify their greatest potential future risks. For further information about this toolkit, visit the Innovation Portal.

