

EU4Advice - multi-actor collaboration and capacity building to foster the upscaling of short food supply chains across Europe


EU4Advice is a five-year, €3.9 million, multi-actor project, funded under Horizon-Europe and Innovate UK bringing  together 20 team partners from 13 countries, including 11 member states (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain), Norway and the UK.

The NICRE team at Newcastle University, led by Dr Barbara Tocco and Co-Investigator Prof Matthew Gorton, represents the UK partner. The Newcastle team was invited to join the EU4Advice consortium to bring experience and expertise from former Horizon 2020 sister project ‘Strength2Food’, which assessed the sustainability impacts of short food supply chains across Europe and tested innovative market strategies that can improve returns to small-scale producers while satisfying consumer needs.

The EU4Advice project, which runs until September 2027 and is coordinated by Innogestiona Ambiental in Spain, aims to establish strong foundations and enabling structures to ensure effective capacity building of short food supply chains actors through fluent knowledge transfer.


A successful kick-off-meeting was held in Amsterdam in October 2022 to meet the academic and practitioner partners, discuss objectives and work plan, exchange experiences from successful projects and organise networking and Living Labs activities.

One of the initial tasks of EU4Advice will be to map business advisors, who address food supply chain and short food supply chain issues across Europe and connecting them in a wider European network.
