Based on the underpinning principles of a place-based approach, the sector as a place to work and the meaning of work, it introduces three tools:
- To help employers create content for a new, place-based advert or improve an existing advert.
- To enable employers to collaborate to promote a positive sector image to attract candidates.
- To help employers learn how to recognise the different meaning staff attach to work and reflect this in recruitment content and wider HR policies and practices.
The study Exploring identity, place and worker attraction and retention in rural businesses, supported by Business Peak District, found that rural businesses are facing significant challenges in recruiting and retaining staff due to a combination of global and national influences, and place-specific factors.
It was led by Carley Foster, Professor of Services Marketing and Head of the Centre for Business Improvement at the University of Derby, working with Dr Susan Kirk, Reader in International Human Resource Management at Newcastle University Business School.