Operation Regeneration

The Old Grammar School, Richmond

What do you want The Old Grammar School, Richmond, to become?

The Old Grammar School, Richmond, is a Grade II listed building in the centre of Richmond. It has no current or recent use and is in a poor state of repair.  

Operation Regeneration is a project bringing people together to shape the future of the site – turning it into an asset for our community for generations to come.

The process so far

Over summer 2024, residents of Richmond and the surrounding areas and visitors were invited to share their views through an online survey.  We've hosted drop in events and set up posters, information stands and suggestion boxes in various locations around Richmond.  We also held an Open Day in the grounds of the school on 1 September so people could visit the site.  

Upcoming events

In September we're holding stakeholder events for local businesses and organisations and will be gathering feedback from young people in schools and other youth settings.  If you would to get involved in one of the events, or have any questions or feedback about the project, please get in touch at nicre@newcastle.ac.uk.  You can also like or follow the Operation Regeneration Facebook page for updates.

Further information

Operation Regeneration is led by Richmondshire Building Preservation Trust (RBPT). The National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE), based at Newcastle University is working with RBPT to facilitate the community engagement exercise. This research is funded by the RBPT, with the support of North Yorkshire Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund Programme.

All the information research participants provide will remain confidential and stored securely in accordance with GDPR requirements and only accessed by the research team (NICRE and RBPT). Personal information will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with third parties, with all data anonymised before analysis. 

Find The Old Grammar School at what3words.com/lamppost.fairness.reports

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact NICRE at nicre@newcastle.ac.uk

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